India’s traditional education system used to have formal training in thorough mastery over language, vocabulary, and poetic stories followed by the study of Nyaaya (logic) and Saankhya shaastras (cosmology). They equipped the student with systematic models to make logical sense of the world from matter to consciousness in one sweep. Their study hones three key scientific thinking skills, namely, abstraction, classification, and inference essential to becoming a creative scientist. The study of entertaining stories in pleasing, high-quality language helps one develop a keen aesthetic sense and sensitivity to both nature and fellow beings which is the basis of empathy and ethics.
About the Course
Modern-day parents want their children to imbibe scientific thinking and be innovators in whatever area they choose to pursue. However, today’s school education system focuses on informing the findings of science but not the method of scientific thinking and model-based reasoning in a formal way. India’s traditional education system used to have formal training in thorough mastery over language, vocabulary, and poetic stories followed by the study of Nyaaya (logic) and Saankhya shastras (cosmology). They equipped the student with systematic models to make logical sense of the world from matter to consciousness in one sweep. Their study hones three key skills of scientific thinking, namely, abstraction, classification, and inference essential to become a creative scientist. The study of entertaining stories in pleasing, high-quality language helps one develop a keen aesthetic sense and sensitivity to both nature and fellow beings which is the basis of empathy and ethics.
With these key skills, children will be able to create their own scientific understanding of modern subjects instead of cramming theories handed down by others. They will also be ready for the formal study of traditional Indic knowledge systems, which are monumental intellectual works with great potential for future application.
Expected Outcomes
- This course will open up a modern-day child’s mind to assimilate Bhaaratiya’s traditional scientific knowledge and train in scientific inquiry systematically
Topics at a Glance
- Comprehending the world through precise and concise terms.
- Conceptual study of worldview according to Tarka shaastra for a scientific categorization of the world and our place in it.
- Comprehending the world through technically accurate words/phrases (Navya Nyaaya Shaastra)
- Conceptual study of worldview according to Nyaaya-vaisheshika and Saankhya shastras for scientific categorization of the World and Human Nature.
About the Scholar
Scholar Name: Prof. J. Suryanarayana
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Shri. J. Suryanarayana aims to groom a new generation who can co-relate the values of Sanatana studies in the contemporary world. His father, Shri. J. B. Sastry instilled in him a love for the study of Sanatana and Adhunatana (modern) disciplines. His traditional education spans Krishna Yajurveda Samhita, Vyakaranam, and Advaita Vedanta. He has successfully completed the Maha Pariksha in Tarka Shastra (Nyaya). He has a rare combination of modern as well as Vedic qualifications and is adept in languages of Samskrit, Telugu, Hindi, English, Tamil, and Japanese. He has won the following awards for his work in Vedic Sciences: Shastra Kalanidhi by Governor, Madhya Pradesh; Tarka Ratnam and Vidwan Mani by HH Sri Jayendra Saraswathi Swami, Head, Kanchi Mutt; and Veda Vidya Varishta by VSR Foundation, Hyderabad. His mainstream qualifications include BA (Samskrit), MA (Samskrit), MA (Nyaya Siromani), and MPhil, PG Diploma in Manuscriptology, and is currently pursuing Doctorate studies. His research works includes critical editing and commentary on ‘sAkshAtkAratva-lakShaNa vichAraH’ as a thesis in University of Madras commentary on ‘kAraka vichAraH’, Sri Venkateswara Vedic University, Tirupati critical editing of ‘Navyamata vichAraH’ and ‘pratibadhya pratibandhaka vichAra’. His diverse experience includes teaching at Sri Venkateswara Veda Paathashala, Hyderabad; He is an adept online tutor including handling NRI students. Proficient at developing good audio-video content, his clients include Hindupedia, Vyoma Pathashala. His works have been published in śāstrārthadīpikā and māṇikyaprabhā magazines.
Course schedule and other details
Course Type: Self-Paced Course (Pre-recorded live sessions)
Medium of Instruction: English & Samskrit
Eligibility: 7th to 12th Standard
Delivery: Pre-recorded live sessions
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