Aparṇājatilam (अपर्णाजटिलम्) is from the fifth canto of Kālidāsa’s Kumārasambhavam. Aparṇā, daughter of Himavan and Menā, follows rigid austerities while performing penance in the scorching sun-heat, calm winter waters, and heavy downpours. Lord Śiva, pleased with her penance, enters her hermitage in the guise of a young celibate. His criticism of Śiva, Aparṇā’s reply to that and Lord Śiva’s revelation of himself are the contents of Aparṇājatilam.
Kālidāsa’s description and style undoubtedly add beauty to the discourse. The study of Sanskrit literature is indeed incomplete without learning the works of the great poet Kālidāsa.
About the Course
Aparṇājatilam (अपर्णाजटिलम्) is from the fifth canto of Kālidāsa’s Kumārasambhavam. Aparṇā, daughter of Himavan and Menā, follows rigid austerities while performing penance in the scorching sun-heat, calm winter waters, and heavy downpours. Lord Śiva, pleased with her penance, enters her hermitage in the guise of a young celibate. His criticism of Śiva, Aparṇā’s reply to that and Lord Śiva’s revelation of himself are the contents of Aparṇājatilam.
Kālidāsa’s description and style undoubtedly add beauty to the discourse. The study of Sanskrit literature is indeed incomplete without learning the works of the great poet Kālidāsa.
- This course enables one to understand and apply the concepts and elements of Aesthetics to the said Ślokas of Aparṇājatilam.
- It also aims to bring out the aesthetic appreciation from the aesthetic comprehension in poetics while imparting all the core points that engross the elements of Sanskrit Sāhitya with all its kāvyagatavaiśiṣṭyam.
Expected Outcomes
- Methodology to understand the poetry.
- Identify and demonstrate the elements of aesthetics and its experience through the Ślokas of Aparṇājatilam of Kumārasambhavam.
- The greatness of Kālidāsa
- Lord Śiva in the guise of a celibate inquiring the details of Aparṇā’s penance
- The celibate questioning Śiva’s virtues
- Aide of Aparṇā answering the celibate
- Aparṇā’s argument on Śiva’s virtues
- The celibate appearing as Lord Śiva
- Apply the concepts and elements of Aesthetics to all the ślokas of Aparnājatilam
Reference books:
Kumārasambhavam – Mallinatha Commentary – Chowkambha Publications – Varanasi
About the Scholar
Scholar Name: Dr.Anupama Ryali
Email Id:

I am Dr.Anupama Ryali, presently an Associate Professor & Head, School of Vedic Sciences, MIT-ADT University, Loni, Pune.
I worked as a Post Doctoral Research Fellow-U.G.C., under the mentorship of Prof.Amba Kulkarni, in the department of Sanskrit Studies, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad.
I pursued my doctorate in Sanskrit Sāhitya on the topic “bṛhattrayyām trivraga samālochanam,” under the guidance of Prof. Rani Sada Siva Murthy, at R.S.Vidyapeetha, Tirupathi, during the period 2003-2005.
I am from the background of Sanskrit Sāhitya and have a good length of teaching experience in the Sanskrit language for more than 15 years in various Under Graduate and PG institutions including The Central University of Hyderabad and also got qualified in National Eligibility Test (NET) conducted by U.G.C.
Apart from this, I am well trained in developing Sanskrit e-texts/e-readers. As a part of my postdoctoral work, I developed a Sanskrit e-text of Śiśupālavadha of Māgha (Pūrvārdha). The reader is available at
Thus I can guide or train students and scholars to work on Sanskrit literature and also on the lines of educating them to develop modules for Sanskrit texts, which is a very much upcoming arena of the field. I also worked as a Post Doctoral Research Associate in projects of national and international level that include Sanskrit Hindi Machine Translation, sponsored by MCIT, Government of India, and also in collaboration with the University of Hyderabad in an international project titled: “Enhancing Access to Primary Cultural Heritage Materials of India: Integrating images of literary sources with machine-readable texts, lexical resources, linguistic software, and the web,” funded by the U.S. National Endowment for the Humanities, aims to preserve and improve access to manuscripts of the Mahābhārata and the Bhāgavata Purāṇa, housed at the Brown University and the University of Pennsylvania, U.S.A., during the period 2010-12. The said work is available at
I have a good number of worthy publications of the books, e-readers, research papers, articles of inter-disciplinary subjects published in reputed and peer-reviewed national and international research journals and conference proceedings.
I am a member of BOS in various educational institutions.
I was a recipient of three gold medals in M.A. Sanskrit for being a topper of the university. As a Sanskrit Scholar, I always have a quest for Sanskrit research and teaching.
If given an opportunity, I would always like to extend all my strength and energy in the field of Sanskrit, as a field expert, in paving a way to have easy and comfortable access for appreciation of the Indian literary legacy.
Course schedule and other details
Aparṇājatilam from V Canto of Kumarasambhavam
Course Type: Self-Paced Course (pre-recorded video sessions)
Medium of Instruction: English & Samskrit
Eligibility: Securing 75% of Marks in the prerequisite exam conducted by the scholar/ Sahitya Landscape Course – by MIT School of Vedic Sciences
Validation: Online Exam
Certificate: A certificate of proficiency in Aparna Jatilam will be issued by Bharatiya Vijnan after passing the exam with 75% of marks
Delivery: pre-recorded video sessions
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