Revenue Model

Course Delivery Mode to StudentsScholar effortTeaching Assistant effortSuggested course fee per hr (INR)Suggested course fee per hr (USD)Scholar share of course feeTeaching Assistant Share of course fee
% of course fee% of course fee
Live by scholarteaching, reviews, evaluation2006700
Rerun by scholarReviews, evaluation1254450
Rerun by scholar + TAReviewsevaluation10033510
Rerun by TANonereviews, evaluation10031515
  • Scholar is free to stipulate a course fee other than suggested above for each of his/her courses.

Additional Services for Scholars

ServiceHourly rate for Service (INR)Hourly rate for Service (USD)Remarks
Onboarding a recorded course150$10One-time activity for rerun courses
Preparation of course material, quiz, question banks250$15
Free course sponsorship Cost600$50No fee for students, No setup cost, This fee is to VVT to host the course
Live course coordination150$10setting up session calender, login issues, video conference links, uploading to LMS
Marketing material per flyer or video600$50Default flyer is free
Bharatiya Vijnan