Bharati Kosha project is an initiative by a group of institutions lead by Vedavaapi Foundation. This project will create and maintain a federation of permanent online repositories of Digitized Heritage Bhaaratiya knowledge content – books, manuscripts, recordings etc. in the form of images, audio, video and text – contributed by public or private parties. Online access to such a comprehensive archive will
- Spur widespread study, mining, research and innovation on Bhaaratiya knowledge,
- Foster a new ecosystem of innovative technologies and services leveraging Bhaaratiya wisdom for contemporary use,
- Lay a dependable foundation for making Bhaaratiya knowledge accessible, intelligible and minable by students, researchers and enthusiasts for global welfare.

Bharati Kosha archive will offer to host publicly accessible content for free, and private access-controlled content in paid mode to help sustain the project. We envision multiple players to come forward and build value-added services using the archive, including content search, knowledge mining and consultancy apps in the areas of AYUSH wellness, architecture, astrology, jurisprudence, ecology and agriculture. Vedavaapi applications are examples of such ready-to-launch services..